Where We Are In Place And Time

Third Unit Of Inquiry

(31 October – 8 December, 2016)

Quick View: Ancient Civilizations for Kids and Teachers Illustration

Central Idea  Useful systems of today can be connected to societies or cultures of past civilizations
Lines of inquiry
  • Ancient tribes and civilizations
  • Systems developed by past civilizations
  • Aspects of past civilizations that have survived
  • How these influences impact the societies of today and the future
Key Concepts  Connection, Perspective and Reflection


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7ndRwqJYDM (what is civilization

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnsatmxY7Kc very long can be done as an extra (for the blog)

http://mocomi.com/indus-valley-civilization/ (for the blog)


http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primaryhistory/indus_valley/ (blog)










www.crystalinks.com/indus.html‎     Indus script

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCYx-_WqcKc&list=UUF4xUUhMRTlg9X6QfbgR28A&index=60 3D model for intro

Mesopotamian Civilization:







  Learning Outcomes:

  • Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society
  • Use and analyse evidence from a variety of historical, geographical and societal sources
  • Orientate in relation to place and time
  • Describe significant historical achievements of various cultures of the world (e.g., pyramids in Egypt, temples in ancient Greece, bridges and aqueducts in ancient Rome)
  • Explain the origins and changes in methods of writing over time and how the changes made communications between people more effective (e.g., pictographs, cuneiform, hieroglyphics, alphabets)
  • Discuss the significant scientific and technological advancements of various historical societies (e.g., the invention of paper in China, Mayan calendars, mummification in Egypt, astronomical discoveries in the Moslem world)

Creating in Dance

We can explore our personal interests, beliefs and values through arts.

  • Investigate and perform a cultural or historical dance form with an understanding of the function of the dance form as artistic, ritual or social

Creating in Visual Arts

Arts provide opportunities to explore our creative potential and engage in a personal artistic journey.

  • Become increasingly independent in the realization of the creative process
  • Select, research and develop an idea or theme for an artwork

Data Handling

Different graph forms highlight different aspects of data more efficiently.

Constructing meaning

  • Understand that data can be collected, displayed and interpreted using simple graphs, for example, bar graphs, line graphs
  • Understand that scale can represent different quantities in graphs
  • Understand that one of the purposes of a database is to answer questions and solve problems

Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Collect, display and interpret data using simple graphs, for example, bar graphs, line graphs
  • Identify, read and interpret range and scale on graphs

Applying with understanding

  • Design a survey and systematically collect, organize and display data in pictographs and bar graphs
  • Select appropriate graph form(s) to display data


A person’s identity evolves as a result of many cultural influences.

  • Analyse how they are connected to the wider community


Communities and societies have their own norms, rules and regulations.

  • Recognize that committing to shared goals in group situations improves individual and shared outcomes

Listening and Speaking

The grammatical structures of a language enable members of a language community to communicate with each other.

  • Identify and expand on main ideas in familiar oral texts
  • Listen reflectively to stories read aloud in order to identify story structures and ideas
  • Understand that ideas and opinions can be generated, developed and presented through talk; they work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations
  • Verbalize their thinking and explain their reasoning


Objects and events have attributes that can be measured using appropriate tools.

Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Read and write digital and analogue time on 12-hour and 24-hour clocks

Applying with understanding

  • Use timelines in units of inquiry and other real-life situations


Percent is another way of representing whole and part relationships.

Constructing meaning

  • Understand the concept of percentage as a special type of fraction and decimal

Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Express a part of a whole as a percentage
  • Express percentage as a fraction in its simplest form
  • Express a fraction as a percentage
  • By converting the denominator of the fraction to 100
  • Express a decimal as a percentage
  • Express a percentage as a decimal
  • Express a percentage as a fraction in its simplest form

Applying with understanding

  • Use percentage in real-life situations
  • Use strategies to evaluate the reasonableness of answers


Knowing what we aim to achieve helps us to select useful reference material to conduct research.

  • Appreciate that writers plan and structure their stories to achieve particular effects; identify features that can be replicated when planning their own stories
  • Use reference books, dictionaries, and computer and web-based applications with increasing independence and responsibility
  • Know how to skim and scan texts to decide whether they will be useful, before attempting to read in detail

Responding in Dance

People explore issues, beliefs and values through arts.

  • Reflect on their personal and family history and make connections with cultural and historical dance forms

Responding in Music

People explore issues, beliefs and values through arts.

  • Share and compare their experiences as audience members at various performances
  • Reflect upon how their music expresses their personal voice and the impact it has on others

Responding in Visual Arts

People explore issues, beliefs and values through arts.

  • Compare, contrast and categorize artworks from the range of cultures, places and times
  • Identify and consider the contexts in which artworks were made
  • Use relevant and insightful questions to extend their understanding

Viewing and Presenting

To enhance learning we need to be efficient and constructive users of the internet.

  • Understand and explain how visual effects can be used to reflect a particular context
  • Prepare, individually or in collaboration, visual presentations using a range of media, including computer and web-based applications


Rereading and editing our own writing enables us to express what we want to say more clearly.

  • Reread, edit and revise to improve their own writing, for example, content, language, organization
  • Respond to the writing of others sensitively
  • Use appropriate punctuation to support meaning
  • Use knowledge of written code patterns to accurately spell high-frequency and familiar words
  • Work cooperatively with a partner to discuss and improve each other’s work, taking the roles of authors and editors

Text Type:   Recount


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