How We express Ourselves

First Unit Of Inquiry

(27 July – 2 September, 2016)


Central Idea  Arts examine feelings, explore social issues,  entertain and kindle imagination.

Lines of inquiry

  • Role of arts in our society
  • Various ways people express themselves
  • Different elements and techniques used in arts
  • How people interpret and respond to arts
Key Concepts  Function, Reflection and Perspective


Poem and video that goes with the poem:

Resources for Figurative Language:

Learning Outcomes:

  1. How We Express Ourselves
  • Formulate and ask questions about the past, the future, places and society

Active Living

Attention to technique and regular practice can improve the effectiveness of our movements.

  • Demonstrate greater body control when performing movements
  • Plan, perform and reflect on movement sequences in order to improve

Creating in Dance

We make connections between our artwork and that of others to extend our thinking.

  • Experience varying groupings when performing dance, including ensemble performance

Creating in Music

We can explore our personal interests, beliefs and values through arts.

  • Read and write music using non-traditional notation
  • Express themselves as individuals through musical composition

Creating in Visual Arts

We act on the responses to our artwork to inform and challenge our artistic development.

  • Identify factors to be considered when displaying an artwork


A person’s self-concept is influenced by how others regard and treat him or her.

  • Reflect on their own cultural influences, experiences, traditions and perspectives, and are open to those of others
  • Use understanding of their own emotions to interact positively with others

Listening and Speaking

The grammatical structures of a language enable members of a language community to communicate with each other.

  • Organize thoughts and feelings before speaking
  • Realize that grammatical structures can be irregular and begin to use them appropriately and consistently
  • Recognize that different forms of grammar are used in different contexts


The operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are related to each other and are used to

process information to solve problems.

Constructing meaning

  • Model numbers to thousands or beyond using the base 10 place value system
  • Number notation and place values(ten thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones)
  • Read and write numbers (up to 100000) in numerals and in words
  • Compare and order numbers
  • Round off numbers to the nearest 10 or 100
  • Use the approximation symbol (≈)
  • Model multiplication and division of whole numbers
  • Use the language of multiplication and division , for example, factor, multiple, product, quotient, prime numbers, composite

Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Develop strategies for memorizing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division number facts
  • Describe mental and written strategies for multiplication and division

Applying with understanding

  • Use whole numbers up to thousands or beyond in real life situations
  • Use fast recall of multiplication and division number facts in real- life situations

Pattern and Function

By analysing patterns and identifying rules for patterns it is possible to make predictions.

Constructing meaning

  • Understand that patterns can be analysed and rules identified

Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Describe the rule for a pattern in a variety of ways
  • Represent rules for a pattern using words, symbols and tables

Applying with understanding

  • Select appropriate method for representing patterns, for example using words, symbols and tables
  • Use number patterns to make predictions and solve problems


Identifying the main ideas in the text helps us to understand what is important.

  • Distinguishing between fiction and non-fiction and select books appropriate to specific purposes
  • Understand that stories have a plot; identify the main idea; discuss and outline the sequence of events leading to the final outcome

Responding in Dance

There are different kinds of audiences responding to different arts.

  • Reflect on artistic processes in dance achievements and how to incorporate new ideas into future work

Responding in Music

There are different kinds of audiences responding to different arts.

  • Sing with accuracy and control focusing awareness on the musical elements
  • Sing partner songs

Responding in Visual Arts

There are different kinds of audiences responding to different arts.

  • Compare, contrast and categorize artworks from a range of cultures, places and times
  • Recognise that different audience respond in different ways to artwork
  • Provide constructive criticism when responding to artwork

Viewing and Presenting

Interpreting visual texts involves making an informed judgment about the intention of the message.

  • Identify aspects of body language in a dramatic presentation and explain how they are used to convey the mood and personal traits of characters
  • Observe and discuss the choice and composition of visual presentations and explain how they contribute to meaning and impact, for example, facial expressions, speech bubbles, word images to convey sound effects
  • Realize that visual presentations have been created to reach out to a particular audience and influence the audience in some way; discuss the effects used and how they might influence the audience


Writing and thinking work together to enable us to express ideas and convey meaning.

  • Write for a range of purposes, both creative and informative, using different types of structures and styles according to the purpose of the writing
  • Show awareness of different audiences and adapt writing appropriately
  • Check punctuation, variety of sentence starters, spelling, presentation
  • Use a dictionary and thesaurus to check accuracy, broaden vocabulary and enrich their writing

Text Type: Drama Script/Poetry

Reading StrategiesCreating mental images, Using background knowledge, & Inferring

ICT Skills: Creating, Collaborating, Organizing

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