How the world works

Fourth unit of Inquiry

(11 January – 24 February,  2017)


Image result for energy

Central Idea  Energy exists in various forms and can be changed, stored and used in different ways.
Lines of inquiry
  • Forms and sources of energy
  • Uses of energy
  • How energy is changed
  • Conservation of energy
Key Concepts  Function, Change and Responsibility

Resources: – Indigenous electric car using M&Ms basic introduction to energy potential/kinetic energy solar cooker rocket pinwheel energy can potential to kinetic energy flow and go boat (water energy)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Use scientific vocabulary to explain observations and experiences
  • Identify or generate a question or problem to be explored
  • Make and test predictions
  • Interpret and evaluate data gathered in order to draw conclusions
  • Plan and carry out systematic investigations, manipulating variables as necessary
  • Explain that heat can move from one object to another by conduction and that some materials conduct better heat than others


Creating in Dance

We make connections between our artwork and that of others to extend our thinking.

  • Interpret and replicate a variety of dance styles and genres


Creating in Visual Arts

Arts provide opportunities to explore our creative potential and engage in personal artistic journey.

  • Become increasingly independent in the realization of the creative process
  • Adjust and refine their creative processes in response to constructive criticism
  • Identify factors to be considered when displaying an artwork


Data Handling

Probability can be expressed in numerical notations.

Constructing meaning

  • Understand that probability is based on experimental events
  • Understand that the mode can be used to summarize a set of data


Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Identify the mode of a set of data
  • Use tree diagrams to express probability using simple fractions


Applying with understanding

  • Use probability to determine mathematically fair and unfair games and to explain possible outcomes
  • Express probability using simple fractions


Listening and Speaking

Taking time to reflect on what we hear and say helps us to make informed judgments and form new opinions.

  • Listen for a specific purpose in a variety of situations
  • Understand that ideas and opinions can be generated, developed and presented through talk; they work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations



Relationships exist between standard units that measure the same attributes.

Constructing meaning

  • Understand the use of standard units to measure perimeter, area and volume
  • Understand that measures can fall between numbers on a measurement scale, for example 3 ½ kg, between 4 cm and 5 cm
  • Understand the relationships between units, for example, metres, centimetres and millimetres


Transferring meaning into symbols

  • Estimate and measure using standard units of measurement: perimeter(regular and irregular polygons), area (regular polygons)
  • Describe measures that fall between numbers on a scale
  • Select appropriate tools and units of measurement


Applying with understanding

  • Use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life situations involving perimeter and area



Reading and thinking work together to enable us to make meaning.

  • As part of the inquiry process, work cooperatively with others to access, read, interpret, and evaluate a range of source materials


Responding in Dance

We use what we know to interpret arts and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

  • Consider the composition of an audience when preparing an effective formal and/or informal presentation


Responding in Music

We use what we know to interpret arts and deepen our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

  • Sing partner songs
  • Analyse different compositions describing how the musical elements enhance the message


Responding in Visual Arts

When experiencing arts, we can make connection between different cultures, places and times.

  • Compare, contrast and categorize artworks from a range of cultures, places and times
  • Recognize that different audiences respond in different ways to artworks
  • Identify and consider the context in which artworks were made


Viewing and Presenting

Visual texts have the power to influence thinking and behaviour.

  • Design posters and charts, using shapes, colours, symbols, layout and fonts, to achieve particular effects; explain how the effect is achieved
  • Discuss and explain visual images and effects using appropriate terminology, for example, image, symbol, graphics



Asking questions of ourselves and others helps to make our writing more focused and purposeful.

  • Organize ideas in a logical sequence
  • Realize that writers ask questions of themselves and identify ways to improve their writing, for example, “Is this what I meant to say?”, “Is it interesting/relevant?”
  • Check punctuation, variety of sentence starters, spelling, presentation


Text Type: Procedural Text


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