Students Engagement

The students were doing the activity about “forces of energy” related to the unit “How the World Works”

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Students were doing the probability activity in a group

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The students were practicing the Chinese & Egyptian dance for the opening of their Summative Task Assessment in the unit “Where We Are in Place and Time”

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Powerpoint presentation & Poster  making for their Summative Task in the unit “Where We Are in Place And Time”

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Field Trip To National Museum


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Summative Task: Health Fair


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Formative Task: Making and Presenting models and posters of the body systems and healthy Lifestyle

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Literacy and Internationalism Week

(Costume Parade)


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Guest Speaker – Doc. Marissa (School Doctor)


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Fractions are Fun!

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Making models of the Circulatory System and presenting them to show their understanding

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Summative task preparation and presentation for the unit”How we Express ourselves”

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Visit to the Wayang and Ceramic museum (24.8.16)088 - Copy 092 - Copy 096 - Copy 097 - Copy 086 - Copy 084 - Copy 083 - Copy 082 - Copy 081 - Copy 076 - Copy 068 - Copy 101 - Copy 067 - Copy 065 - Copy

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