Learning Engagements 17th – 21st April, 2017)
- Reflection of the in school program by creating headlines.
- Presentation of the true price homework
- Completing the summative task 9 group work) and presenting on Thursday, 20th April
- Math summative task using MS Visio to be completed in the computer lab.(Shows understanding of angles, polygons and lines)
- Review of the Math topics: angles, polygons, perpendicular and parallel lines
- Chapter 2 and 3 of Ties that bind and Ties that break ( Students will present their understanding and connections using the plus/minus/interesting, thinking routine)
- PM Benchmark assessment
- Unit reflection
Learning Engagements week 10 / Term Three (13-17 March, 2017)
Finding out:
Causes and effects and levels of extinction
Students will do research and also refer books to come up with a movie making on the topic to work as a team. They will then share it in class and also with their parents during our SLC.
Students will also be encouraged to think of ways to make use of 5R’s and plan as a class, ways to refuse and reduce and check on its action result at the end of one month.
Art from waste
Movie making on the topic selected by the group class novel: “Ties that bind and Ties that break “and explanation type of writing
Polygons (regular, irregular)
Drawing of perpendicular and parallel lines
Use of ruler and set squares.
Movie making using, pictures, videos and music on any environmental problem- group work
Art from waste material
Learning Engagements week 9 / Term Three (6-10 March, 2017)
Sharing the planet:
- Pre-assessment- students (in groups of 3) will be asked to find pictures from magazines that pose threats to the environment. They will use the pictures to make a poster and answer the following questions for each picture:
What do you see in the picture?
How can this affect the environment?
What can be a possible solution for this?
Show and Tell of the poster
- The CI will be unlocked by the students and the key points of LOIs discussed
- K-W. Students will share their questions (what you want to know). Teacher will display these questions in the class and the class will refer to these questions throughout the unit.
Explanation text type of writing
- Use of present tense
- Use of action verbs to describe the events that a subject undergoes
- Use of connectives to link time sequences in a cause and effect sequence (first, then, after, finally, so, as a consequence)
Math assessment on problem solving skills.
Shapes: polygons
Drawing of parallel and perpendicular lines
Learning Engagements week 7 / Term Three (20-24 Feb, 2017)
Summative task preparation and Presentation: SCIENCE FAIR
The following will be part of the presentation:
Final touches to the experiment and presenting their work to their classmates.
- A working model (experiment) of a form of energy
- A poster describing the form of energy used in the model and procedural text about the experiment
- Sources of energy (each group has chosen one source)
- Meaning and use of the source
- Advantages and disadvantages of the source
- How will/how much that source be used in the future
- Data about the usage of the source from at least 3 countries
- Data about the usage of the source in Indonesia
- Ways to conserve energy
ISA exam 21 and 22 Feb, 2017 –Math, reading and writing
Use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real- life situations involving area and perimeter.
Math assessment on problem solving skills
Learning Engagements week 6 / Term Three (13-17 Feb, 2017)
Summative task planning and preparation:
The following will be part of the presentation:
- A working model (experiment) of a form of energy
- A poster describing the form of energy used in the model and procedural text about the experiment
- Sources of energy (each group has chosen one source)
- Meaning and use of the source
- Advantages and disadvantages of the source
- How will/how much that source be used in the future
- Data about the usage of the source from at least 3 countries
- Data about the usage of the source in Indonesia
- Ways to conserve energy
Listening comprehension
Reading comprehension
ISA exam practice –Math, reading and writing exercise
Use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real- life situations involving area and perimeter.
Review and working process of math problems
Learning Engagements week 5 / Term Three (6 – 10 Feb, 2017)
Energy conservation:
The law of conservation of energy is a law of science that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form into another or transferred from one object to another.
Ways to save energy -a chart on which student’s list ways how we can save energy and ways how we waste.
Energy Conversion:
Every day the matrix is updated by adding new appliances and energy conversions taking place.
Listening comprehension on an article titled- “Using energy efficiently”
Reading comprehension
ISA exam practice –Math, reading and writing exercise
Research on a working model of energy experiment
Decide on the experiment and select one which is a team decision.
Formative assessment – circuit model
Solving word problems involving area / perimeter of squares and rectangles.
Solving problems related to real life situation related to area and perimeter
ISA practice math papers.
Review of numbers, fractions, decimals.
Mathletics- measurement problems online
Reading everyday
Summative task : Research on experiments related to energy
Learning Engagements week 4/ Term Three (30 Jan – 3 Feb, 2017)
Energy conversions:
- An energy conversion matrix chart is created for students to explain energy conversion of the many appliances they see and use at home.
- Students will share the name of the appliance and then explain the process of change happening.
- ICT – Ms Visio application
- Review on forms of energy:
- Group task- Students are given the picture packs to write energy stories. Group will later share the stories to the whole class.
- Listening comprehension on an article titled- Biomass
- Reading comprehension
- ISA exam preparation
- Time and sequence words
Select appropriate tools and units of measurement.
- Finding the length of one side of a square given its area / perimeter
- Solving word problems involving area/ perimeter of squares and rectangles.
- ___________________________________________
Learning Engagements Week 3/Term 3 (23-27 January 2017)
- Different sources of energy,
- Field trip to Energy Museum
- Reflection and making connection to their learning
- Reading comprehension texts,
- Modeling and writing procedural text on experiment,
- Spelling contract,
- Use of prepositions such as ‘in’, ‘above’, ‘around’, Use of phrases of time and place such as ‘for two minutes’, ‘in the bowl’
- ISA examination – practice sessions
- Area and Perimeter- Finding the area of a three sided and four sided figures
- Finding one dimension of a rectangle given the other dimension and its area/perimeter
- Conversion of units of measurement
- Select appropriate tools and units for measurement