Weekly notes 4D











5th May, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update .

Class 4D: Term 4 Week  6 ( May 8th – May 12 th 2017)

REMINDER :  11th May (Thursday) is a holiday  due to Waisak

 Learning Engagements after the term break:


 Drawing regular and irregular polygons and similar and congruent shapes.. Identifying symmetric figures.

Literacy :

Reading Comprehension related to the unit…Class novel and generic structure of a biography.


Functions of different govt systems, Research on political system by introducing different countries and their type of govt.

Have a good weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha




28th April, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update

Class 4D: Term 4 Week  5 ( May 2nd – May 5th 2017)

REMINDER :  Monday, 1st May is a holiday due to Labour day

Learning Engagements :

Numeracy: shapes – polygons, properties of polygons, Identifying, differentiating between similar and congruent shapes.

 Literacy :

Class novel

Biography text type of writing

Use of action verbs to describe the events

Use of connectives to link time.

UOI :   Videos  on types of govt, roles of leaders in the govt, their contributions to the running of the system

Have a wonderful long weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha

21st April, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for  -( after the term break).

Class 4D: Term 4 Week  4 ( April 25th – April 28th 2017)

REMINDER :  Monday, 24th April is a holiday due to Isra Miraj

 Learning Engagements after the term break:


 Review angles, compass points and lines.

Literacy :

 Biography text type of writing

Use of action verbs to describe the events

Use of connectives to link time.

UOI :  Introduction of the new unit ‘’ How we Organize Ourselves’’ – Central idea, LOIs, attributes, attitudes and skills.

Have a wonderful long weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha






7th April 2017

Dear Parent


Please find the attached weekly update for next week

Reminder : Friday 14th April is a holiday due to Good Friday

In school Programme and outbound for team building activities :

 Day 1 Monday   : Team building activities in Taman Safari


Day 2  Tuesday  :  Outbound at Mandalawangi in Cibodas, Bogor


Day 3  Wednesday :  Sleepover / Overnight stay


Day 4 Thursday      :   Dismissal after breakfast at 8.00 am


Have a relaxing  long weekend  !!

Warm Regards

Neha Chellani



















23rd March, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for  -( after the term break).

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  37 ( April 3rd – April 7th 2017)

REMINDER :  Term break  (27th  – 31st March 2017)

 Back to school  : 3rd April 2017

 Learning Engagements after the term break:


 8 point compass, associating ¼ turn/right angle to 90 degrees, ½ turn with 180 degrees, ¾ turn with 270 degrees and a complete turn with 360 degrees.

Solve problems in real-life situations involving angles and shapes

Literacy :

 Use of passive voice

Use of conjunctions

Class novel and explanation type of writing, final explanation type of writing.


Summative Task Presentation, Reflection

Have a good rest and recouping time  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha




17th March, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  35 ( Mar 20th – Mar 24th 2017)

Reminders :  Student Led Conference (SLC)  on Thurs,  23rd Mar 2017.

Learning Engagements next week:


Estimation and measurement of angles in degrees, drawing an angle using a protractor.

Literacy :

Use of pronouns

Use of complex noun groups to describe the phenomenon ( the flowing river, a spider falls into the family of arachnids)

Continue  Explanation text type of writing

Class novel

UOI :  Ways of preventing environmental problems.

Continue endangered species (ES) and pollution : causes and effects, levels of extinction (ES).

Have a good weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha









10th March, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  33 ( Mar 13th – Mar 17th 2017)

Learning Engagements next week:


 Use of terms  ‘’ vertical’’ and ‘’ horizontal’’.  Using notation such as angle ABC and angle X to name angles.

Continue Shapes – polygons, drawing of perpendicular and parallel lines using ruler and set square.

Literacy :

 Use of adverbial phrases

 Continue  Explanation text type of writing

Use of present tense

Use of action verbs to describe the events that a subject undergoes

Use of connectives to link time sequences in a cause and effect sequence (first, then, after, finally, so as a consequence)

Use of technical terms (e.g. water cycle, the digestion of food) class novel and explanation type of writing.

UOI : endangered species (ES) and pollution : causes and effects, levels of extinction (ES).

Have a good weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha




3rd March, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  32 ( Mar 6 – Mar 10 2017)

Learning Engagements next week:


 Shapes – polygons, drawing of perpendicular and parallel lines using ruler and set square.

Volume and recap of all three (area, perimeter and volume)  (scales and conversions )

Literacy :

Explanation text type of writing

Use of present tense

Use of action verbs to describe the events that a subject undergoes

Use of connectives to link time sequences in a cause and effect sequence (first, then, after, finally, so as a consequence)

Use of technical terms (e.g. water cycle, the digestion of food) class novel and explanation type of writing.

UOI : Tuning in and finding out, videos on environmental issues, pollution: kinds( water, air, land, noise), causes and effects to man and nature.

Have a good weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha












24th February, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  31 ( Feb 27 – Mar 3 2017)

Learning Engagements next week:


Volume and recap of all three (area, perimeter and volume)  (scales and conversions )

Literacy :

Explanation text type of writing

Use of present tense

Use of action verbs to describe the events that a subject undergoes

Use of connectives to link time sequences in a cause and effect sequence (first, then, after, finally, so as a consequence)

UOI : Introduction Unit 5, Sharing the Planet, LOI s, attributes, attitudes, skills.

Have a good weekend  !!

Warm Regards,

Ms. Neha




17th February, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  30 ( Feb 20 – Feb 24 2017)

Reminder :   24th February,  Friday, Science Fair – Summative Task (Parents are invited)

ISA Tests   –  21st and 22nd February 2017

Learning Engagements next week:


ISA Test and Math activity

More drills continue in Area and Perimeter

Literacy :

Reading Comprehension, Writing Procedural text for the experiment on energy

UOI : Finishing Summative task this week and presenting findings.


Ms. Neha




















10th February, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  30 ( Feb 13 – Feb 17 2017)

Reminder :  15th Feb 2017, Wednesday is a holiday ( Election).

Learning Engagements next week:


Use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life situations involving area and perimeter

More drills continue in Area and Perimeter


ISA examinations practice sessions/ Mock exam on Thursday and Friday. (16th and 17th Feb 2017)

Procedural writing Final , spelling contract.

UOI : Summative task planning and preparation.

More discussions on conservation of energy.


Ms. Neha




3rd Februarry 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  29 ( Feb 6 – Feb 10 2017)

Learning Engagements next week:


 Understand the use of standard units to measure volume. Estimate and measure using standard units of measurement.


ISA examinations practice sessions, spelling contract.

UOI :   conservation of energy, energy conversion stations.


Ms. Neha







27th January, 2017

Dear Parents,


A Very Happy and a Prosperous year of Rooster to all… Gong Xi Fa Chai… Have a wonderful time with your near and dear ones.

Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  2 (January  30 – Feb 3 2017)


Wear  red color/Chinese clothes for the Chinese new year Celebration Assembly on Wednesday , 1st Feb 2017

Learning Engagements next week:


Finding the length of one side of a square given its area/perimeter

Solving word problems involvingthe area/perimeter of squares and rectangles


 start circuit model investigation, uses of energy, how energy is changed

Pictures/videos/Discussion on Forms of Energy and What is energy ?

Literacy :

Reading comprehension texts, reviewing components of past texts types for ISA exam Preparation


Ms. Neha






20th January, 2017

Dear Parents,


Please find attached weekly update for the coming week

Class 4D: Term 3 Week  2 (January 23rd -27th)


Field Trip to the Energy Museum : Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 (4B & 4D), 8.00 a.m. to 2: 00 p.m

Learning Engagements next week:


Area and Perimeter – Finding the area of a composite figure made up of rectangles and squares

Finding one dimension of a rectangle given the other dimension and its area/perimeter

Literacy :

Reading comprehension texts, modelling and writing procedural text on experiment, spelling contract, ISA examination practice sessions, Use of Prepositions such as , in’, above’, around, Use of phrases of time and place such as ‘ for two minutes’’, in the bowl.

 UOI :

Wind experiment with propeller, Different  sources of

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